Sunday, October 7, 2012

We Are Who We Are

In the begging the world was founded. Through out many stories that were passed down from generation to generation of many different people. We may not know which ones are true, but some of these stories play a critical role in things that we still believe today. The flood for instence. W may believe that it can from the Bible and God sent the floood to wipe away the wicked from the earth. But a long time ago they believed diffrently. Did that play a role in what we believe today. Does that mean the flood really happend? We will never rally know and that is for sure, but what we do know is that as a people in this country and in the world, we have evolved from these stories. thay may have been altered of changed as thay ahave bben passed down through the years. But we are the people we are today because of the history that we are learning about in the present day.

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